Doctor of economic sciences, Associate professor in the Department of International Finance at the University of Economics in Poznań. Lecturer on MBA Poznan-Atlanta studies carried out in cooperation between the University of Economics in Poznan and Georgia State University in Atlanta (USA).
CEO and main shareholder of INC SA – capital group listed on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2006, which includes: INC SA, INC Brokerage House, INC Rating (rating agency licensed by ESMA) Carpathia Capital SA (PE / VC funds listed on the stock exchange in Bucharest) and non-profit company INC East&West.
President of the Foundation for Capital Market Development, initiator of the project “Potrafimy Zwyciężać Powstanie Wielkopolskie” in cooperation with the biggest music portal in Poland –, President of INC East & West – a non-profit company carrying out the project “Musical pedigrees” in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Pawel holds Ph.D. (Hab.) in economics from the Poznan University of Economics. Since 2013, Pawel is also a Professor at the Depatment of International Finance at the Poznan University of Economics. In his academic research he specializes in international finance, corporate finance and capital markets.
He graduated from the Poznan University of Economics; also studied: managerial economics at the Antwerp University in Belgium, general economics at the Tilburg University in Holland and law at UAM University in Poznan.
He worked at the Central Brokerage House of WBK S.A., BRE Brokers Brokerage House S.A. and Polinwest Brokerage House S.A. He is a Licensed Investment Adviser (license No. 111) and Securities Broker (license No. 1094).
President of the Management Board of INC S.A., INC S.A. Brokerage House and non-profit company – INC East&West. He is a President of the Capital Market Development Foundation founded by INC S.A. President of the Carpathia Capital SA – the first Polish company listed on the Stock Exchange in Bucharest.
President of the Supervisory Board of FZ Group S.A. Vice President of the Supervisory Board (and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board) in NN Life Insurance Company S.A.
Winner of many prestigious awards and distinctions, both in business and science.
Initiator and founder of the album “Potrafimy Zwyciężać” commemorating the Greater Poland Uprising, presented in 2014 at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.
A great fan of history, music and sports. A participant of full and half inline skating marathons.

UEP – No 1 in Poland
In the ranking of “Polityka” (2015), University of Economics in Poznan again took first place in the ranking of economic universities. Ranking prepared by analyzing the Hirsch Index showing the frequency of quotations of scientific papers produced at universities.
In the ranking of economic universities prepared by the Foundation “Perspectives” (2015) UEP took second place, just behind the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

1st Polish company on Romanian Stock Exchange
At February 25, 2015 Carpathia Capital (INC daughter company) debuted on the the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Carpathia Capital is a VC PE fund investing in companies from the SME sector in Romania and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Bittnet – Carpathia’s first investment debuted on the AeRO market in May 2015.

INC – No 1 in Poland
In 2015 we were awarded “Market Leader 2014” by the Warsaw Stock Exchange for the largest number of companies introduced to the NewConnect market in 2014. In 2011, INC took the first place in the rankings of WSE Authorised Advisers prepared by Forbes and Home & Market magazines.
So far, INC introduced the largest number of companies among all authorised advisors in the history of Warsaw Stock Exchange.
closest co-workers

He graduated from the faculty of Marketing and Management at Zielona Góra University of Technology and Post-Graduate Association of Managerial Initiatives. He worked in Staropolski Dom Maklerski SA and the Polish Capital Fund SA. He is licensed advisor in the Alternative Trading System (No. 105/2011). CEO of Carpathia Capital SA (VC / PE listed on the AeRO ATS Stock Exchange in Bucharest), member of the Board of IPO Financial Advisory Services SA. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Dom Maklerski SA INC. He is member of supervisory boards of companies from high technology sector, construction, health care and manufacturing. Member of the Investment Committee of the Incubator Innovation INTERIOR based in Nowa Sol.

He graduated the Faculty of Law at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Since 2000, He works at INC S.A., currently Vice President, Head of Legal Department. He has a Certificate of Advisers in the Alternative Trading System (No. 36/2011). He is a member of the Authorized Advisory Board for NewConnect market. He was a Lecturer at the High Banking School in Poznań on postgraduate studies in public finance and local capital markets and the Poznań University of Economics on postgraduate studies in private financial management. He is a Lecturer on courses preparing for the Certificate of entitlement to obtain Advisers in the Alternative Trading System organised by Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. He is the author of several publications on public trading in securities.

Associate Professor at the University of Economics in Poznan. Since 2012 Assistant professor of management sciences. Employee of Department of International Management at the Faculty of International Economics at the University of Economics in Poznan. He specializes in topics related to internationalization and international competitiveness of enterprises, business strategies in international business, the expansion of Polish companies on international markets and the policy of competitiveness.

Dobra sukcesja, czyli komu i jak przekazać firmę rodzinną (wrzesień 2018)
By Paweł Śliwiński in Bez kategorii
Dobra sukcesja, czyli komu i jak przekazać firmę rodzinną. Przychodzi taki czas, gdy przedsiębiorca stoi przed pytaniem, co dalej z firmą którą wymyślił, przez lata tworzył i prowadził. Dzieje się to zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy z racji wieku czy choroby nie jest on w stanie dalej być aktywnym w biznesie. Decyzja co dalej z firmą ma […]
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Doganiamy Europę, czy Europa nam ucieka? (lipiec 2019)
By Paweł Śliwiński in Bez kategorii
W mediach często jesteśmy bombardowani różnymi ekonomicznymi porównaniami. W jednych słyszymy, że rośnie dobrobyt Polaków, a w innych, że daleko nam do innych krajów europejskich. Jak to jest, że z jednej strony rośniemy bardzo szybko, słyszymy, że przegoniliśmy w produkcji na mieszkańca Grecję i doganiamy Portugalię, a z drugiej zarabiamy zdecydowanie mniej niż w tych […]
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Strefa euro – kto zyskuje a kto traci (maj 2019)
By Paweł Śliwiński in Bez kategorii
Wyobraźmy sobie taką oto historię. Grupa uczniów przygotowuje się do matury i zaprasza koleżankę, żeby się do nich przyłączyła i wspólnie, w ramach grupy, żeby przygotowywali się do egzaminu (oczywiście można tą historię zapisać alternatywnie, że to ona chce dołączyć do grupy, która jest otwarta na nowych członków). Co powinna zrobić nasza bohaterka zanim podejmie […]
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Spór o euro w Polsce … (rozmowa z Redaktorem Dariuszem Pogorzelskim, marzec 2019)
By Paweł Śliwiński in Bez kategorii
W tym roku mija 20 lat od wprowadzenia do obiegu euro. Ten projekt okazał się sukcesem, czy wręcz przeciwnie porażką? Odpowiedź nie jest jednoznaczna. Projekt okazał się sukcesem dla jednych krajów, a porażką dla drugich. Euro było i jest czynnikiem kryzosotwórczym dzieląc kraje członkowskie na wierzycieli i dłużników. Z jednej strony przyczyniło się do wzrostu […]
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Przekleństwo niskich płac … (luty 2019)
By Paweł Śliwiński in Bez kategorii
Przekleństwo niskich płac W styczniu Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) podał informację, że po raz pierwszy wynagrodzenia brutto w przedsiębiorstwach zatrudniających 10 i więcej osób przekroczyły 5 tysięcy złotych brutto i wyniosły 5275 złotych (ok. 3740 złotych netto). Grudzień jest specyficznym miesiącem w gospodarce, w którym od lat wynagrodzenia rosną z uwagi na nagrody i […]
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